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Created 3-Jan-23
6 photos

We all have out light and our dark sides, our positive and negative days, our periods of pain and less pain. There will always be our ying to our yang in whatever form; one could not exist without the other! All we can do is acknowledge them and keep on walking as we continue through life.
A surreal digital artwork featuring a woman in a white dress holding a lace parasol, reaching towards her dark silhouette, which holds a matching parasol, against a vivid red and orange gradient backgA surreal digital artwork featuring a woman in a white dress holding a lace parasol, reaching towards her dark silhouette, which holds a matching parasol, against a vivid red and orange gradient backgA surreal digital artwork depicting two women standing back-to-back, one in light and the other in shadow, connected by a parasol that is half white and half black, against a gradient pink-to-gray bacA surreal digital artwork depicting two women standing back-to-back, one in light and the other in shadow, connected by a parasol that is half white and half black, against a gradient pink-to-gray bacA digitally enhanced surreal image of two women holding lace parasols against a glowing multicolored background. One woman is illuminated in bright hues, smiling, while the other is a dark silhouette,A digitally enhanced image of a woman in a flowing dress holding a lace parasol, illuminated by bold shades of red, pink, and purple. Her dark silhouette is cast behind her, creating a striking visual

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:anxiety, autoimmunedisease, butyoudontlooksick, chronicfatigue, chronicillness, chronicpain, depression, girl, hiddenillness, invisibleillness, invisiblenotimaginary, lady, livingwithchronicillness, livingwithchronicpain, mentalhealth, mentalhealthawareness, mentalhealthmatters, migraine, mindbodysoul, mindful, mindfulness, ms, msawareness, mswarrior, multiplesclerosis, parasol, silhouette, umbrella, wellbeing, wellness, woman